

Tijuana será la sede del VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Medicina Familiar en 2019, tal y como fue ratificado por parte de la Confederación Iberoamericana de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria y el Colegio de Medicina Familiar A.C., con sede en Calí, Colombia.

El nombramiento deriva de las acciones concretas en materia de promoción y posicionamiento de Tijuana como sede para eventos, congresos, convenciones nacionales e internacionales.

Al congreso se espera la asistencia de hasta tres mil convencionistas de 26 países de Iberoamérica, así como Estados Unidos y Canadá, entre los que se promoverán los activos turísticos y culturales de la región, por lo que se espera una derrama económica de 45 millones de pesos.

En los últimos años Tijuana se ha posicionado como destino para el Turismo de Reuniones, particularmente del sector médico, esto en respuesta a la alta demanda de servicios médicos de primer nivel que se ofertan en la ciudad, así como la infraestructura hotelera y los recintos para la realización de congresos, convenciones y reuniones.

En 2017 Tijuana fue sede de más de 25 eventos, con una derrama superior a los de 290 millones de pesos, y en 2018 se busca superar la cifra para fortalecer a la ciudad y a la región.

En 2018 continuarán los trabajos de capacitación a la cadena de valor y la certificación para los prestadores de servicios turísticos, con el de mejorar los resultados en materia de turismo de reuniones.

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  462. If your first two cards plus the dealer’s up-card combine to provide one of these five hands then you win your 21+3 blackjack bet. If not, you lose your side bet stake. Deck Shoe Penetration (PEN): This refers to the percentage of the cards that are actually dealt out over the course of a shoe. Usually the there is a cut card inserted in the shoe toward the back of the cards to be dealt. When the cut card is dealt out in the course of the game, it signals to the dealer that the shoe is running out of cards and the dealer will shuffle the cards and start a new shoe. While a quarter deck of cards is plenty sufficient to finish a round of Blackjack, most casinos will cut off much more than that (several decks) to limit the profitability of the game for a card counter. For a card counter, the depth of penetration can make or break a blackjack game.
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    Beefy selection of modes An old-but-gold poker classic that does not involve a flop and is often played as a limit game. Buy-ins for the 2023 World Series of Poker will start as low as $400 and go as high as $250,000. The buy-in for the Main Event is $10,000. If you’ve been around poker for any length of time, you’ll know about the World Series of Poker. WSOP is the online offshoot of this famous tournament organization. Alongside its partner, 888Poker, this operator has created a platform that’s packed with value, action, and promotions. The WSOP Main Event is so popular that players sometimes refer to it as the World Series of Poker. The tournament is televised for a wide viewing public, while it attracts international media attention. Quite simply, the WSOP is poker’s version of the Super Bowl or World Cup.

  466. What is a paytable? A paytable is a list of potential poker hands and how much they payout when you land that hand in that particular game. To a certain extent, video poker is a game of chance and so it is impossible to win every time. That said, players can take steps to increase their chances of winning. Some of these include checking pay tables for the games with the best odds, understanding rules of the video poker game they are playing, and taking their time to make smart bets in the game. In Stud Poker games, players are dealt five or seven cards (depending on the variant), which they must use to make their best five-card poker hand. While some of the player’s cards are exposed in Stud Poker, they cannot be used in the same way as community cards in a flop game. Players cannot use anyone else’s cards when making their best five-card poker hand.
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