
La inauguración de la mikvah, en Tijuana

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La preciosa nueva mikvah fue diseñada y su construcción guiada por el rabino Shia Hershkowitz, mismo rabino jasídico. Una de sus misiones en la vida es la contrucción de mikvaot.
Esta fué inaugurada el sábado, 9 de diciembre a las 8:00 p.m. en las instalaciones del Centro Social Israelita de Baja California, A.C. en Tijuana.
Otro gran paso en la vida de este Centro Social Israelita.
Hoy en día el centro social cuenta con un restaurante glatt kosher de domingo a viernes (este último día hasta las 2:00 p.m.). Los miércoles, a la hora de la comida, contamos alternativamente, ya sea con un músico profesional que toca la marimba o un pianista profesional. Se escuchan canciones populares, mexicanas y americanas, en un ambiente netamente judío.
Además se tienen cinco habitaciones de hotel, dos de ellas con clientes. Y ahora una bella nueva kosher mikvah.
El lema del centro es el de dar servicio a todos los judíos en general, incluyendo aquellos que son reformistas, conservadores, u ortodoxos o sin preferencia religiosa. La comida es glatt kosher.
Al entrar a las instalaciones del centro social el aire vibraba con música que consistía en un fondo musical del video que mostraba los dibujos originales (que pudieran ser simbólicos) de los niños que participaron en el concurso del dibujo o proyecto de la elaboración de la mikvah. Los premios eran de $ 250.00 dólares para el primero, un boleto a Disneylandia para el segundo, y dos boletos para el zoológico de San Diego separadamente para cada uno de los premios del tercer lugar. La música del video incluía las canciones: artic menta, am israel jai, y ofen pripichik.
Al entrar, a mano derecha, en el comedor de ambiente judío, se mostraban los dibujos que hicieron los niños para el concurso de dicha mikvah, hermosamente exhibidos.
La mayoría de estos dibujos era de los niños del colegio: Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School y de San Diego Jewish Academy.
Después de haber disfrutado el ver los dibujos de los niños, se bajaba a un corredor donde se escuchaba inmediatamente el son de la marimba que le hacía mérito a la canción que dice ‘’maderas que cantan con voz de mujer’’.
El músico que tocaba la marimba con música mexicana hacía un marco musical a la mikvah netamente judía. Al salir del lugar donde estaba la mikvah, se le daba a cada persona, ya sea en español o en inglés un folleto que consistía de dos hojas, bellamente ilustradas y que mencionaba la utilización de la mikvah.
El autor de este escrito es el renombrado sofer stam Alberto I. Attia de San Diego.
Después se subían las escaleras al salón de eventos donde la festividad de la inauguración de la mikvah seguía su curso.

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    Latest poker news, poker strategies and special offers. Further, the money will go toward the city’s riverfront development. The developers, Wilmorite Construction and the Wilmot Family, agreed to contribute $3 million in donations. The riverfront development, the Boys and Girls Club of Danville and the Danville Municipal Project will divide the total donation. Live Poker Subscribe to the PokerTube Weekly Newsletter Dave Briggs is a managing editor and writer for Catena Media. His expertise is covering the gambling industry in North America with an emphasis on the casino, sports betting, horse racing and poker sectors. He is currently reporting on the gaming industries in Illinois and Canada. Live Poker Hey people, so long story short. My Nan is ill, very ill, and very down about it. I want to recreate some of our best memories. As teenagers me and my sister would go and stay the weekend, order Chinese, and watch our Nan play poker online. Which in turn taught us how to play. Believe me it was way more fun than it sounds.

  584. Bitcoin’s rising price has been driven by increasing interest from a number of large investment firms and financial service providers. A firm called MicroStrategy has poured $425 million into bitcoin in recent months. Square announced a $50 million bitcoin investment last month. Besides, there was a break above a major bearish trend line with resistance near $24,450 on the hourly chart of the BTC USD pair. Bitcoin price is now trading above $25,000 and the 100 hourly simple moving average. BTC coins are created whenever a block is successfully added to the Bitcoin blockchain. The miner who adds the newest block to the blockchain receives a block reward in the form of BTC. New Bitcoins will continue being created this way until 21 million BTC coins have been created. When that hard limit is hit, no new BTC will be created anymore and miners will only be compensated with transaction fees.
    High: 47,509.9600 on 29 03 2022 Interestingly, Bitcoin’s price trends appeared to mimic those of the stock market from November 2021 through June 2022, suggesting that the market was treating it like a stock. One possible route for those wishing to use or hold Bitcoin might include making an account on a centralized crypto exchange, sending money from a linked bank account and then buying Bitcoin on the exchange. It is important, however, to comply with any relevant jurisdictional laws when purchasing Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements.  The results showed that “while the overall crypto market was quite bearish, managers remained extremely bullish on BTC”, with 42 per cent predicting Bitcoin to be between $75-100,000 (£62,000-£83,000) by the end of 2022, and a further 35 per cent predicting a price over $50,000 (£41,000).

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    Among them will be many names you likely recognize including PokerStars, partypoker, WSOP, 888poker and Borgata Poker. If you don’t live in a fully legalized and licensed online poker state, Global Poker is a trusted and safe sweepstakes poker site many players use. Bovada is an offshore site offering players from various countries a completely legal real-money poker experience. During peak hours, well over 2,000 individual players play at Bovada Poker. Bovada was founded over 14 years ago, and its new poker platform was created in 2017. Bovada has a license issued by the iGaming authority of Costa Rica. With many different poker games to choose from, Bovada is one of the best online poker sites in the USA. Hustles is an exceptional standalone poker brand. It allows worldwide players to register and have an enjoyable experience. Some of the most popular versions of poker are available here. They come from industry leaders like BetSoft, Habanero, and Evolution Gaming. Choose between Caribbean Poker, Russian Poker, Triple Edge Poker, and more, and you are sure to have a blast.

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    Just like their brick-and-mortar counterparts, mobile casinos vary in the number of games offered. Some casino apps don’t offer a live casino section, which could disappoint many who want to play casino games. Then, you may not be able to see a huge range of slot games in some mobile casinos. If you are using a sweepstakes gambling site, it’s a good idea to stick to games you know first when using your no deposit bonus. We know that these sites are not for real money but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to get the most out of your bonus. A sweepstakes casino no deposit bonus can be a rare find so when you do get your hands on one, it’s best to give it your best shot by playing the games you already know well. We never hesitate in recommending Liberty Slots Mobile Casino to our players, as they have been around for a long time and provide top-notch casino experience. Powered by WGS, Liberty Slots mobile casino offers slot games including 7-reel slots, Progressives, Table Games, Video Poker and much more! Currently their fantastic Welcome Offer can get you up to $777 in free casino money over your first 3 deposits! You can also grab $20 absolutely free using the bonus code CBGLS20.

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